Crumbling Foundation in Defiance, Ohio
January 23, 2017
A homeowner in Defiance, Ohio, called us to inspect her foundation because of a crumbling corner on the foundation.
The corner of the foundation was washed out because the downspout was not properly drained away from the house.
During the inspection, we also discovered that nearly 60 feet of the foundation was sinking, creating drywall cracks across the ceiling and in the walls. Here at Forever Foundation Repair, we excavated along the foundation to expose the footing, installed 16 helical piers, drilled to load barring soil 35 feet deep, lifted the foundation, repaired the block corner, and backfilled the job. Defiance, Ohio, has one of the worst soil conditions in Ohio due to the soil hydrology that causes foundations to sink and basement walls to crack and bow. If you live in Defiance, Ohio, be sure to call us here at Forever Foundation Repair.